Happy New Year's Eve! We just arrived a few hours ago to our final destination of the Sri Lanka trip, Unawatuna, and we'll be spending the remaining four days in here. Wifi seems to be working better too, so the blog and Instagram will be updated more frequently again. But as we only have a few more hours left of 2017, it's time for a little roundup of the most popular and read posts of the year. Make sure to check these out if you missed them the first time around!

Helmikuussa kirjoittelin muutamasta uudesta tulokkaasta ihonhoitorutiiniini, ja muun muassa juurikin alkuvuodesta paljon hypeä ja kehuja osakseen keränneet DECIEM The Ordinary-tuotteet näkyivät postauksessa. Kirjoitin omia ensikokemuksiani tuotteista muutaman käyttökerran jälkeen, ja kaikesta päätellen The Ordinary brändinä ja mun ensifiilikset ostamistani tuotteista kiinnostivat muitakin.
In February I wrote a bout a few new additions to my skincare routine, some of which were the popular DECIEM The Ordinary products. I wrote about my first impressions with the products, and it seemed like you guys were also interested in The Ordinary as a brand and my experiences after the first few uses with the products.
In February I wrote a bout a few new additions to my skincare routine, some of which were the popular DECIEM The Ordinary products. I wrote about my first impressions with the products, and it seemed like you guys were also interested in The Ordinary as a brand and my experiences after the first few uses with the products.

Elokuun lopussa koitti vihdoin se kauan odotettu päivä kun pääsin muuttamaan opiskelija-asuntolasta ihan oikeaan "kotiin" ja asuntoon. Ensisilmäys ensimmäiseen oikeaan omaan kotiin tuntuikin olevan todella suosittu, ja postaus nousi yhdeksi koko vuoden luetuimmista.
At the end of August I finally got to move away from student halls to a real, proper home and flat. First glance into my first real home turned out to be quite popular, and it made it to one of the most read posts of the year.
At the end of August I finally got to move away from student halls to a real, proper home and flat. First glance into my first real home turned out to be quite popular, and it made it to one of the most read posts of the year.

The Reality of Studying Fashion
Ihan vuoden alussa kirjoittelin todellisuudesta muotiopintojen takana, kun yliopistoelämää oli takana suunnilleen puoli vuotta. Opiskelupostaukset muutenkin tuntuvat aina olevan todella suosittuja, ja niitä löytyy enemmän school-tagin alta.
At the start of the year I wrote a little bit about the reality behind fashion studies when I had been a university student for approximately six months. Posts related to studying always get quite a lot of reads, and you'll find more of them under the school tag.

It's OK to Have Bad Days and Not Feel Strong All the Time (And Admit It!)
Kesällä eräs turhauttava päivä kun kaikki ärsytti ja otti päähän innosti mut kirjoittamaan huonoista päivistä, ja kuinka ne täytyy vain oppia hyväksymään ja myöntämään niin itselleen kuin muillekin. Mulle on aina ollut vähän vaikeaa hyväksyä ja myöntää huonoja päiviä sekä tarvitsevani apua, mutta pikku hiljaa oon kehittynyt tällä osa-alueella.
In summer I had one of those frustrating days when I just felt annoyed at everything, and that inspired me to write a post about bad days and how we just have to learn to accept and admit them - to ourselves as well as to other people. It's always been quite difficult for me to accept and admit that I'm having a bad day or that I need help with something, but little by little I've been trying to become better at it.
In summer I had one of those frustrating days when I just felt annoyed at everything, and that inspired me to write a post about bad days and how we just have to learn to accept and admit them - to ourselves as well as to other people. It's always been quite difficult for me to accept and admit that I'm having a bad day or that I need help with something, but little by little I've been trying to become better at it.

Moomin that Grew Up
Viime kesänä Suomessa käydessäni sain mielettömän mahdollisuuden päästä tekemään yhteistyötä suomalaisen Moomin by Mozo -brändin kanssa. Postaus on ehdottomasti yksi omia lemppareitani kuluneelta vuodelta ja katselukertojen sekä saamani palautteen perusteella myös te tykkäsitte postauksesta kovasti.
Last Summer in Finland I had an amazing opportunity to collaborate with a Finnish Moomin by Mozo brand. The post is definitely one of my personal favourites from the past year, and judging by the views and the feedback the post got, you really liked it too.
Last Summer in Finland I had an amazing opportunity to collaborate with a Finnish Moomin by Mozo brand. The post is definitely one of my personal favourites from the past year, and judging by the views and the feedback the post got, you really liked it too.
+1 Studying at Helsinki Design School
Vielä viimeisenä lisäyksenä on mainittava tämä jo pari vuotta vanha postaus, jota yhä edelleen luetaan oikeastaan päivittäin. Jälleen kerran muotiopintoihin liittyvää asiaa, tämä postaus tosin on kirjoitettu kun muotimarkkinointi-opintoja Helsinki Design Schoolissa oli takana suunnilleen puoli vuotta. Tänä syksynä tein muuten Helsinki Design Schoolille omiin opiskelukokemuksiini liittyen pienen haastattelun, jonka pääsette lukemaan täältä.
One last post to add has to be this one, which is already a couple of years old but still read pretty much on a daily basis. Once again a post about studying fashion, only this time it is about my Fashion Marketing course at Helsinki Design School.
One last post to add has to be this one, which is already a couple of years old but still read pretty much on a daily basis. Once again a post about studying fashion, only this time it is about my Fashion Marketing course at Helsinki Design School.
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