Erilaiset printti- ja slogan-paidat on muun muassa niiden korikassien lisäksi olleet suuressa suosiossa tänä kesänä. Enkä näe tän trendin kyllä jäävän vaan yhden kesän hitiksi, vaan printtipaitojen käyttöä voi huoletta jatkaa vielä kesän jälkeenkin ilman pelkoa siitä että asu olisi "so last season", sen verran tätä tyyliä näkyi myös nimittäin syksyn ja talven näytöslavoilla (Katso täältä mitä muuta A/W'17-näytöksissä näkyi!). Diorin "We Should All Be Feminists" -paitojen ansiosta erityisesti kaikki voimakkaat ja feministiset slogan-teepparit on olleet erityisen suosittuja, mutta onhan tällaiset ranskankieliset tekstitkin nyt vähintäänkin chic. Rennot printti-paidat näyttää ihan erityisen hyviltä johonkin klassiseen, jopa vähän konservatiiviseen yhdistettynä, sillä eri tyylien kontrasti tekee asusta heti mielenkiintoisemman näköisen. Tässä asussa printtipaita toimii nimenomaan bleiserin kanssa, mutta viime aikoina oon tykännyt yhdistää rennon t-paidan myös mustien suorien housujen kanssa. Vähän eri vaatekappaleet, mutta sama kontrastien luoma lopputulos.
Mitä mieltä siellä ollaan slogan- ja printtipaidoista - yes or no?
Alongside the basket bags, different print and slogan t-shirts have been super popular this Summer. And I don't see this trend fading anytime soon, as there were quite a few A/W '17 fashion shows that featured the trend again (click here to see some more trends for the coming Autumn/Winter season!). It all started with the famous 'We Should All Be Feminists' t-shirts by Dior, and that's why especially powerful and feminist texts and slogans have been gaining popularity this Summer. A French text like this may not be powerful, but hey it's chic to say the least. Casual and relaxed print tees look amazing especially when combined with something more classical, almost conservative, as the contrast between the styles makes the outfit look more interesting. In this particular outfit the print t-shirt works well with the blazer, but lately I've also been really liking the combination of a slogan tee and a pair of black straight suit trousers. Different pieces of clothing but exactly the same result created by the contrasts.
What's your opinion on print and slogan t-shirts - yes or no?
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Gina Tricot t-shirt (old) // American Eagle Outfitters jeans // H&M blazer // Stella&Dot sunglasses + bracelet (gifted) // Ibero bag // Reebok shoes
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Photos: Ida S., editing: me
Samaisessa paidassa ja bleiserissä matkustan muuten tänään taas Suomeen, seuraavan kerran kuullaan siis sieltä päästä!
I'm actually wearing the exact same t-shirt and blazer when travelling to Finland today, so the next time I'll talk to you will be from there!
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Thanks! :)
ReplyDeleteI really like those light jeans, I'd love to get a similar pair myself. I didn't used to like print tees but now that I've seen them around so much and I'm used to them a bit more I'm starting to like them!
ReplyDeleteJulia // The Sunday Mode
Thank you Julia, light jeans are definitely summer staple for me now! And I think it is actually one of those trends that often need a little getting used to at first :) xx
DeleteI like some slogan t-shirts but I haven't buy any because I know I will get bored in a little while (the only one I own says "we only wear pink on Wednesdays lol) so I save money. Have a great weekend xx
ReplyDeleteCaterina | caterinasosso.com
That's a good point too, slogans can get out dated quickly! But one can never get tired of Mean Girls references haha xx Hope you'll have a great weekend too Caterina ♥︎
DeleteI don't actually own any slogan shirts, I think some are just a bit too much aha! You look beaut though xx
ReplyDeleteJasmine || http://www.blogsallbeautyy.blogspot.co.uk
Some of them are really 'out there' that's for sure! Thank you Jasmine ♥︎ xx
DeleteI love these sunglasses too and the slogan tee is great! Nice look!
Thank you Violette! :) xx