Yesterday I turned a year older again as it was my 22nd birthday. When I was younger I used to think that surely by the age of 22 I'd be a real adult fully in charge of her life, but the older I get the more I realise that in this world no one actually knows anything, no matter how old they are. But to celebrate my birthday and having gotten the inspiration from Beth's post, I wanted to share with you 22 things I've learned during this 22-year-long life of mine. And I'm sure there's still plenty to learn and understand in the future!

1. Asioilla ihan oikeasti on tapana järjestyä.
2. Kaikkien kanssa ei tarvitse olla ystävä, mutta kaikkien kanssa on hyvä tulla toimeen.
3. Äiti osaa aina auttaa ja neuvoa.
4. Yksin ei tarvitse pärjätä.
5. Deodorantin suihkuttaminen palohälyttimen alla aiheuttaa palohälytyksen.
1. Things have a tendency to work out just fine in the end.
2. You don't have to be friends with everyone, but it's good to get along with all kinds of people.
3. Mum always knows how to help.
4. You don't have to survive in this world alone.
5. Spraying deodorant underneath a fire alarm can set it off.

6. Museossa sormen törkkääminen liian lähelle taideteosta aiheuttaa myöskin hälytyksen.
7. Joidenkin ihmisten kanssa yksinkertaisesti vain kasvaa erilleen, mutta tärkeimmät pysyy matkassa mukana vaikka mikä tulisi.
8. Olet vahvempi ja rohkeampi kuin luulet.
9. Et ainakaan onnistu, ellet yritä.
10. Vaikka kotona asuessa perhe kuinka ärsyttää, on kotikotiin silti aina ihana palata ja ikävöit perhettä poissa ollessa.
11. Älä yritä avata lukossa olevaa ovea puutikulla kun avaimet on jääneet sisälle tai lukitset itsesi ja perheesi ulos pakkaseen.
6. What also can set off an alarm is pointing your finger too close to a painting in a museum.
7. You just grow apart with some people, but the most important and closest ones will always be there.
8. You're stronger and more brave than you think you are.
9. You can't succeed if you don't at least try.
10. No matter how annoying you find your family to be, you always love going back home and end up missing your family when you're away.
11. Don't try to open a locked door with a wooden stick. You end up locking yourself and your family outside in sub-zero temperatures.

12. Luonnollinen hiustenväri on lopulta kuitenkin aina se paras.
13. Nukkuminen, tee ja/tai puhdistava itku auttaa mihin tahansa.
14. Omista saavutuksista saa ja pitää olla ylpeä.
15. Nestemäinen eyeliner on aina yhtä vaikea laittaa, ihan sama kuinka monta kertaa sen on tehnyt aiemmin.
16. Muuttaessa ei riitä pelkkä tavaroiden siirtäminen paikasta toiseen, vaan on selvitettävä myös esimerkiksi wifi, lämmitys, sähköt yms. muut tylsät aikuisten jutut.
17. Leggingsit ja lyhyt toppi ei toimi. Koskaan.
12. Natural hair colour is ultimately always the best.
13. Sleep, tea and/or a purifying cry helps with anything.
14. Being proud of your success and achievements is totally ok.
15. Liquid eyeliner will always be a killer to put on, no matter how many times you've done it already.
16. When moving, it's not just about moving stuff from one place to another. You also need to consider things like wifi, heating, electricity and other boring adult stuff.
17. Leggings and a short top is always a no-go. Always.

18. Liika vedenjuonti on mahdollista, ja seuraukset on kaikkea muuta kuin kivat.
19. Oman hyvinvoinnin on aina oltava prioriteetti.
20. Ihmiset eivät ole ajatustenlukijoita. Sano mitä ajattelet, jos jokin oikeasti häiritsee.
21. Avun pyytäminen ei ole merkki heikkoudesta.
22. Kuplat kylpyammeessa ja lasissa helpottaa mahakipua.
18. There is such thing as drinking too much water, and the consequences are anything but pleasant.
19. Always put your own well-being as the number one priority.
20. People can't read minds. If something is bothering you, say it out loud.
21. Asking for help isn't a sign of weakness.
22. Bubbles in your bath and in your glass soothe away stomach pain.
19. Always put your own well-being as the number one priority.
20. People can't read minds. If something is bothering you, say it out loud.
21. Asking for help isn't a sign of weakness.
22. Bubbles in your bath and in your glass soothe away stomach pain.

Photography by: Tanja K. / Terapia&Kuva
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I've only read this post now! First of all, happy birthday!! And.. thanks to you now I know that a deodorant underneath a fire alarm can set it off! Ahah x
ReplyDeleteI'm 25 in October and ten years ago I had a much more different picture of what life would have been like at 25 eheh we'll see life where life bring us :)
Caterina |
Thank you Caterina! ♥︎ Hahaha, yeah definitely don't do that - saves you a lot of hassle! I think everyone always thinks that by certain age their life would be this or that, but when that age actually comes around they realise that that's not exactly the case haha :D xx
DeleteMyöhäiset synttärionnittelut! Nämä asiat on kyllä kaikki niin totta! Kohta 5 sai kyllä nauramaan :)x
ReplyDeleteAnu | Based On blog
Kiitos paljon Anu! ♥︎ Ja joo, kaikenlaista sitä tuleekin opittua haha :D xx