Anyone else, who always at this time of the year when spring is fast approaching and days are getting lighter and longer just want to redecorate their whole home? I've been spending a lot of time pinning all things home lately, my home decor wishlist is growing longer and longer, I've got so many ideas I'd like to put into practice, and in general I would just love to redo the whole interiors. And what's certainly not helping, is the fact that the new family home back in Finland is starting to look more and more like a house where you can actually live in, at least judging by the photo updates I get sent on a weekly basis. Sadly, I don't think I've got the resources to redo absolutely everything, but luckily you can always dream (and pin!). In collaboration with BoConcept I had a good scroll through their selection, and I found a lot of the things that my Pinterest board is full of. BoConcept has furniture stores in Glasgow as well as in Helsinki, so I think a real-life visit has to happen at some point too.

A couple of years ago I wouldn't have believed I'd ever say this, but right now I'm really dreaming about a huge, soft and comfy pink sofa. In a spacious and light living room a pink sofa would look absolutely amazing and be just the perfect eye-catcher. This time of the year you always crave something fresh to your home interiors, and a cute pink sofa would definitely deliver just that. From BoConcept I spotted this gorgeous Osaka sofa, that I would be more than happy to introduce to my home.

Another interior element I'm really liking at the moment is white, a bit domed looking kitchen chairs. BoConcept also has several different versions of these, but my personal favourite turned out to be the Adelaide chairs. I've spotted a lot of these on Pinterest and on other interior inspiration sources recently, and although at first I thought they look a bit strange, now that my eye has gotten used to the look of them I'm convinced that these are the chairs I need for my home sometime in the future too. Apparently it doesn't matter whether it's about fashion or interiors, if I just see something enough for my eye to get used to, then ultimately I'm going to be a fan too.

Original inspiration images on my Pinterest board
Pyöreitä peilejä, viherkasveja ja erityisesti näitä yhdessä oon myös pinnaillut Home Dreams & Ideas -tauluuni viime aikoina. Pyöreät peilit on mun mielestä hauskoja yksityiskohtia, ja jotenkin mielenkiintoisemman näköisiä kuin ne ihan perinteiset suorakulmion muotoiset peilit. Ihan erityisesti tällainen Ring-peili toimisi mielestäni loistavasti kylppärissä, mutta myös esimerkiksi eteisen tai aulan seinälle sijoitettu iso pyöreä peili näyttäisi mun silmään todella hyvältä. Ja totta kai kevään tullen varmasti jokainen kaipaa kotiinsa vähän lisää vihreyttä, vehreyttä ja elinvoimaa horroksesta heräävän luonnon mukaan. Tällä hetkellä itseäni inspiroi erityisesti erilaisille alustoille ja tavanomaisesta poikkeaviin ruukkuihin ja paikkoihin asetetut kasvit, ja juurikin kuvassa näkyvään tapaan katosta roikkuvat viherkasvit olisi aivan ihana piristys sisustukseen, esimerkiksi BoConceptin Macrame-ruukun muodossa.
Round mirrors and green plants, and especially these two together, are something I've been pinning frequently to my Home Dreams & Ideas Pinterest board. I think round mirrors are such a fun detail and look more interesting than the traditional rectangular ones. I'm especially loving round mirrors like this Ring one in bathroom decor right now, but they'd also look really good on the hallway wall for instance. And of course, come spring time I'm pretty sure everyone just wants to add all the plants into their homes to waken it up at the same time with the nature that's slowly coming alive again too. At the moment I'm really inspired by putting house plants on different platforms and in out-of-ordinary places, and for example hanging plants from the celling with the Macrame flowerpot would be such a perfect spring refresh for the home.
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Postaus toteutettu yhteistyössä BoConceptin kanssa // This post is in collaboration with BoConcept
Mä oon haaveillu tollasista kuputuoleista jo jonki aikaa, mut tähän asuntoon ei oikeen noi taida mahtua xD En oo koskaan antanu ees ajatusta vaaleenpunaselle sohvalle, mut nyt kyl ihastuin ja haluun tollasen. Mies kyllä tykkäis nii paljon xDD
ReplyDeleteKuputuolit on vaan jotenkin niin söpöjä! Ja mäkään en kyllä ois uskonut, että vaaleanpunainen sohva päätyy mun haavelistalle mutta siellä se nyt on :D xx
DeleteIhania kollaaseja! Vähän samantyylistä sisustusta oon itsekin miettinyt, varsinkin kun Iina Hyttinen hankki kotiinsa sen vaalenapunaisen sohvan :D
ReplyDeleteKiitos Saara, kiva kuulla että on sunkin mieleen! :) Vaaleanpunainen sohva on kyllä ehdottomasti se juttu just nyt, ja vähän yllätti mut siinä kuinka hyvältä se näyttääkään! xx