This or that templates have been all over Instagram lately, and recently Johanna brought the concept to her blog too. I loved reading Johanna's this or that post and definitely wanted to do a similar one, so here's my version of this or that challenge. I combined a few different templates and threw a few of my own in there too!

(Full post here)
Kahvi / Tee (no surprises there)
Makea / Suolainen
Kaupunki / Ranta
Kirjat / Leffat
Koti-ilta / Baari-ilta
Koirat / Kissat
Coffee / Tea (no surprises there)
Sweet / Savoury
City / Beach
Books / Movies
Night in / Night out
Dogs / Cats

(Full post here)

(Full post here)
Pizza / Pasta
Kesä / Talvi
Aamupala / Illallinen (aamupala on paras!)
Kaupunki / Maaseutu
Auringonnousu / Auringonlasku
Nutella / Maapähkinävoi
Kylpy / Suihku
Pizza / Pasta
Summer / Winter
Breakfast / Dinner (breakfast is just the best!)
City / Countryside
Sunrise / Sunset
Nutella / Peanut butter
Bath / Shower

(Full post here)
Pannarit / Vohvelit
Farkut / Suorat housut
Korot / Tennarit
Biker-takki / Farkkutakki
Neule / T-paita
H&M / Zara
Värikäs / Neutraali
Pancakes / Waffles
Jeans / Toursers
High Heels / Trainers
Biker jacket / Denim jacket
Jumper / T-shirt
H&M / Zara
Bright colours / Neutrals

(Full post here)

(Full post here)

(Full post here)
Denim / Nahka (ihan superpaha! Mutta farkkityttö, aina)
Raidat / Pilkut
Hame / Shortsit
Jäätelö / Kakku (lemppariherkku!)
Vanilja / Suklaa
Punainen huulipuna / Nude huulipuna
Denim / Leather (super hard decision! But once a denim girl, always a denim girl)
Stripes / Polka dots
Skirt / Shorts
Ice Cream / Cake (my ultimate favourite treat!)
Vanilla / Chocolate
Red lips / Nude lips

(Full post here)

(Full post here)
Poskipuna / Aurinkopuuteri
Silmien rajaus / Huulten rajaus
Vogue / Elle
Harry Potter / Taru Sormusten Herrasta
Podcastit / Musiikki (oon edelleen ihan koukussa podcasteihin!)
Lakritsi / Salmiakki
Pionit / Tulppaanit
Blush / Bronzer
Eyeliner / Lip liner
Vogue / Elle
Harry Potter / Lord of the Rings
Podcasts / Music (I'm still absolutely loving podcasts!)
Liquorice / Salty liquorice
Peonies / Tulips
Olisi ihanaa lukea teidän vastauksia näihin, eli laittakaa vaikka kommenttia tai linkatkaa omia postauksianne!
I'd love to know your answers to these, so leave a comment below or share your posts if you've done a similar one!
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I would have answered like you most of the times!
ReplyDeleteDENIM over leather
Stripes / Polka dots .. this is a hard one, I'd say small polka dots
Skirt / SHORTS just because they're more practical but I do love a mini skirt
ICE CREAM/ cake for sure
Red lips / NUDE LIPS
but.. pasta wins over anything, even pizza. :P
Caterina |
Hahah, it was a tough choice between pizza and pasta for me :D Thank you for sharing some of your answers too Caterina! ♥︎ xx