Ensinnäkin, ihanaa kesäkuuta! Ihan uskomatonta, että vuosi on jo puolessa välissä ja vielä uskomattomampaa on, että kesäsäät on hellineet jo monta viikkoa. En kyllä yhtään valita, tämä pidennetty kesä kelpaa mulle paremmin kuin hyvin! Näiden muutamien viikkojen aikana oon myös ehtinyt jo löytämään muutamia uusia kesäkosmetiikkasuosikkeja, joten tässäpä siis vinkiksi teillekin kolme tuotetta kesäkauneudenhoitoon!
First of all, happy June everybody! Can't believe we're already midway through the year and what I find even harder to believe is that we've been able to enjoy full on summer weather for a good few weeks already. Not complaining in the slightest though, I'm more than ok with this extended summer! During these summer weeks we've had I've already found a few summer beauty favourites, and here are my three new favourite products for summer beauty care!

I absolutely fell in love with the beautiful minty shade of bon boy-age from Essie's Spring 2018 collection. The pastel hued mint green leans more towards blue in a certain light, and more towards green in another, but it always looks super pretty nonetheless. And I could imagine that this will look even better with a sun kissed skin!
I've been trying to be really good and careful with protecting my skin from the harmful UV rays lately, and I recently went and purchased a sun cream specifically meant for the face. I've been really happy with this one, as the cream absorbs quickly and doesn't leave a sticky residue nor clogs my pores. I've also tried this underneath a light make up once, and it seemed to work just fine like that too! My make up stayed on like it usually does and was also easy to apply on top of the sun cream.

Tangle Teezer The Wet Detangler (gifted, here)
Some of you might remember, how in my hair routine post I mentioned that I nowadays prefer Wet Brush over my old favourite Tangle Teezer. After that post, a company that imports e.g. Tangle Teezer to Finland got in touch with me and asked whether I was interested to give the new, only recently launched, Tangle Teezer Wet Detangler brushes a try. And I honestly admit that I have to take back what I said before, as the Tangle Teezer Wet Detangler has already become a favourite of mine in this short amount of time. The brush is gentle but effective, and like the name suggests you can use it on wet hair as well as dry. In comparison to the old Tangle Teezer brushes the new one also has a handle that you can get a good grip of which is a huge plus, since now the brush doesn't go flying around that easily and often as the old models!
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I love tangle teezer and your photos <3
Thank you! Tangle Teezer really is such a great brush! ♥︎