I bet no one has been able to miss the enormous popularity that leopard print has gained recently (or if you have, where have you been?!). The huge rise of the trend started already in the early summer months but it's continuing over into the autumn, and actually all the way into the next spring/summer season too as the print has been featured on the S/S19 runways of various different brands. I've talked about the trendy print a number of times too, but what can you do when you just seem to be as obsessed with the print as at least half of the world's population right now. For some leopard inspiration, I gathered together three of my recent looks featuring the trendy print, let me know which one is your favourite in the comments!

Katso myös: 1 Leopard Shirt, 3 Ways to Wear
1. Leopard shirt. At first I thought if a full on leopard print shirt would give too much of 'old lady' vibes, but not at all! I've worn this shirt so many times already and always feel really good when I have it on. On the upper body leopard print also looks especially good in jacket and coats - whether that's lighter denim numbers or full on faux fur coats.

2. Leopardiasusteet. Jos kokonaan leopardiprinttinen vaatekappale tuntuu hieman liian rohkealta ja näyttävältä, niin asusteet on ihan loistava tapa lisätä vähän leoprinttiä asuun. Erityisesti huiveissa leopardikuvio toimii todella hyvin, mutta oon bongaillut myös toinen toistaan upeampia kenkiä kyseisessä printissä! Kaikkein ujoimmalle leo-kokeilijalle esimerkiksi korvakorut tai aurinkolasit toimivat varmasti parhaiten.
2. Leopard accessories. If a full piece of clothing in leopard print feels a bit too much and out there, then accessories are a brilliant way to add some leo action into your looks. The print looks particularly good in scarves, but I've also spotted plenty of gorgeous leopard print shoes! For the most shy leopard trend experimenter a pair of earrings or sunglasses would be the best.

3. Leopardihame. Viimeisenä vielä mun henkilökohtainen suosikki, eli leopardihame! Leopardiprinttiä tulee somessa vastaan ihan erityisesti nimenomaan hameversioina, ja klassisen midin lisäksi tarjolla on myös miniä, polvipituista, maksia, farkkua, silkkiä, satiinia, nahkaa... Oikeastaan kaikkea ja ihan mitä vain! Omaan klassiseen tyyliini vekitetty midihame sopii kaikkein parhaiten, mutta täytyy myöntää että ne lyhyet farkkuversiotkin näyttävät superhyvältä joidenkin päällä!
3. Leopard skirt. Lastly my personal favourite, the leopard print skirt! You come across the leopard print especially in skirt versions a lot on social media, and alongside the classy midi you can get mini, knee length, maxi, denim, silk, satin, leather... Anything and everything to be honest! To my classic style the pleated midi skirt suits best, but I have to say that some girls are absolutely rocking the leopard print denim minis!
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