Syksyn myötä huomaan aina kuinka oma huulipunien käyttö ja meikkaaminen ylipäätään lisääntyy. Erityisesti kun tänä vuonna kesä oli niin kuuma ja hikinen että ajatuskin vähänkään enemmän meikin laittamisesta kasvoille puistatti, oon nyt syksyn tultua nauttinut meikkaamisesta taas ihan uudella tavalla. Luomivärit, poskipunat ja myöskin ne huulipunat on päässeet käyttöön taas useammin, ja erityisesti nämä neljä punaa on ne joihin tunnun palaavan aina syksy toisensa jälkeen.
With autumn I always notice how I start to use more lipsticks and make up in general. Especially this year when the summer was so hot and sweaty that even the thought of putting even a little bit fuller look on sent shivers down my spine, I've been really enjoying wearing and putting on more make up again. Eye shadows, blushes and also lipsticks have gotten more wear again lately, and it's especially these four lipsticks that I always tend to gravitate towards autumn after autumn.

MAC: 'Velvet Teddy' (here)
Tää on se mun ultimate go-to huulipuna ja niin on muuten monen muunkin, tää kyseinen sävy on nimittäin saavuttanut aikamoisen kulttimaineen! Velvet Teddy on kuitenkin se just mun makuun sopiva tummempi nude nimenomaan syksyyn ja tätä tulee käytettyä arjessa todella usein. Velvet Teddy kuuluu MAC:in matte-puniin, mutta se on mattaisuudestaan huolimatta yllättävän mukavan tuntuinen huulilla ja pysyy paikallaan pitkään.
This is my ultimate go-to lipstick, and as far as I'm aware of, it is that for many others too since this exact shade has definitely reached the cult status! In my opinion, Velvet Teddy is just the perfect darker nude for autumn and I wear this at least a good few times a week in my everyday life during the autumn months. Velvet Teddy has a matte finish, but despite that it's surprisingly comfortable to wear and it also stays put on the lips for a good amount of time.
This is my ultimate go-to lipstick, and as far as I'm aware of, it is that for many others too since this exact shade has definitely reached the cult status! In my opinion, Velvet Teddy is just the perfect darker nude for autumn and I wear this at least a good few times a week in my everyday life during the autumn months. Velvet Teddy has a matte finish, but despite that it's surprisingly comfortable to wear and it also stays put on the lips for a good amount of time.
NYX: Soft Matte Lip Cream 'Stockholm' (here)
Toinen syksyn huulimeikkivakkari nimenomaan arkikäyttöön, ja jälleen kerran mattainen sellainen! NYX:in Soft Matte Lip Cream Stockholm-sävyssä on sekin tummempi mattapuna, mutta esimerkiksi Velvet Teddyyn verrattuna siinä on hieman enemmän punapigmenttiä mukana ja lopputulosta voisi melkeinpä kuvailla ruosteenpunaiseksi. Soft Matte Lip Cream on helppo levittää huulikiiltomaisella applikaattorilla ja se todella tuntuu pehmeältä huulilla, tosin mattapunille tyypillinen kiristävä ja kuiva tunne puskee aina jossain vaiheessa läpi.
Another autumn lip go-to for the everyday, and again a matte one! NYX Soft Mattte Lip Cream in the shade Stockholm is also a bit darker nude, but has more red tones in it so the final result is almost a rusty shade of red. Soft Matte Lip Cream is really easy to apply with the lipgloss-like doe foot applicator and the product really does feel soft and creamy on the lips, although the dry and tight feeling that's typical for matte lipsticks pushes through at some point of the day.
Another autumn lip go-to for the everyday, and again a matte one! NYX Soft Mattte Lip Cream in the shade Stockholm is also a bit darker nude, but has more red tones in it so the final result is almost a rusty shade of red. Soft Matte Lip Cream is really easy to apply with the lipgloss-like doe foot applicator and the product really does feel soft and creamy on the lips, although the dry and tight feeling that's typical for matte lipsticks pushes through at some point of the day.

Revlon: Super Lustrous Lipstick Créme 'Sassy Mauve' (here)
Jos taas kaipaan jotain hieman vaaleampaa, malvanpunaiseen taittavaa nudea, valitsen Revlonin Super Lustrous Lipstick Créme -punan sävyssä Sassy Mauve. Tätä tulee jostain syystä käytettyä erityisesti ilta-aikaan, vaikka tää luonnollinen sävy sopisi hyvin myös päiväkäyttöön tavallisessa arjessa. Tää on sellainen "your lips but better" -sävy, ja créme-koostumus on todella mukava, nimenomaan voidemainen, huulilla. Mitä punan mattaisuuteen taas tulee, tää on jostain matan ja kiiltävän väliltä.
Whenever I'm wanting something lighter and a mauve-y nude, I grab the Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick Créme in the shade Sassy Mauve. Although the shade could certainly pass in day to day wear too, for some reason I tend to use this more at night time. For me this is one of the 'your lips but better' shades, and the créme finish is super comfortable to wear and actually does feel creamy as the name would suggest. When it comes to the finish of the lipstick, this one sits somewhere between matte and glossy.

Oikein kirkasta punaista mun huulilla harvemmin nähdään, mutta silloin kun tekee mieli heittäytyä villiksi niin useimmiten mun huulilla on Lumenen Wild Rose -puna sävyssä Kuulaus. Sävy taittaa enemmän tummaan kuin perinteiseen kirkkaaseen punaiseen, ja sen takia tää sopiikin mun mielestä niin hyvin juurikin syyspunaksi! Vahvat punat kuuluu mulla ehdottomasti enemmän ilta- ja juhlakäyttöön kuin normaaliin arkipäivään, ja tää onkin ollut mun luottopuna juhlavampiin tilaisuuksiin jo pitkään. Lumenen brändiuudistuksen myötä en ole ihan varma löytyykö juuri tätä samaa punaa enää valikoimasta, mutta jotakin samantapaista kyllä varmasti!
I'm usually one to shy away from bright reds, but whenever I am feeling bold and adventurous you can be almost certain that the red on my lips is Lumene Wild Rose Lipstick in the shade Dawning. The shade leans more towards dark red rather than a traditional bright one, and that's why I think it's the perfect red for autumn. Bright and strong coloured lips are something I tend to wear on special occasions only, and this one has been quite a firm favourite for a good few years now. With the rebranding Lumene has recently gone through I'm not entirely sure if this exact shade is available anymore, but there's certainly something similar in the selection! (Pssst... Lumene now also ships internationally from their website!)
I'm usually one to shy away from bright reds, but whenever I am feeling bold and adventurous you can be almost certain that the red on my lips is Lumene Wild Rose Lipstick in the shade Dawning. The shade leans more towards dark red rather than a traditional bright one, and that's why I think it's the perfect red for autumn. Bright and strong coloured lips are something I tend to wear on special occasions only, and this one has been quite a firm favourite for a good few years now. With the rebranding Lumene has recently gone through I'm not entirely sure if this exact shade is available anymore, but there's certainly something similar in the selection! (Pssst... Lumene now also ships internationally from their website!)
Shop my autumn lipstick favourites
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I love buying lipsticks (and makeup in general)! However I feel like I am too clumsy to put lipstick on during the day. I always wish I could, but I usually end up looking like a clown because I touch my face too much and smudge it haha! I definitely want to give lipstick a go again soon though, autumn is the best time to get your lipstick out! I love Velvet Teddy though, it's such a classic and beautiful lipstick!
ReplyDeleteNothing better than make up shopping haha! ♥︎ I know exactly what you mean though, I usually have to remind me that I am wearing lipstick just so it won't end up all over my face at some point of the day :D But definitely give lipsticks a go again, and let me know if you found a good new one, would love to hear! xx