Glasgow'n kotiin on nyt palattu ja täytyy sanoa että vaikka Suomessa on aina niin kivaa olla, niin aika kivaa oli kyllä jo taas palata tännekin. Neljä viikkoa Suomessa vierähti taas hurjan nopeasti, ja otetaan vielä tähän viikon alkuun pieni kurkkaus mun Suomi-lomaan puhelinkuvien muodossa!
I'm back in Glasgow now, and although it's always lovely to spend time in Finland it also feels good to be back on the UK mark again too. Four weeks in Finland flew by super quickly again, and here's a little peek into my time in there to the start of this new week!

Heti ensimmäisenä päivänä vietettiin rentoa tyttöjen pikkujouluiltaa Saran, Inkan ja Hennan kanssa, ja Sara oli kyllä taas pistänyt tarjoilujen kanssa parastaan // Suunnitelmista huolimatta jäi Tuomaan Markkinat multa taas kunnolla kokematta. No ehkä sitten ensi jouluna?!
On my first day I met up with Sara, Inka and Henna to have a cosy pre-Christmas night in and Sara had once again prepared all kinds of yummy treats for us // There's a popular Christmas market in the centre of Helsinki, and despite my plans this was another year I didn't get to actually experience it. Maybe next Christmas then?!
On my first day I met up with Sara, Inka and Henna to have a cosy pre-Christmas night in and Sara had once again prepared all kinds of yummy treats for us // There's a popular Christmas market in the centre of Helsinki, and despite my plans this was another year I didn't get to actually experience it. Maybe next Christmas then?!

Kauempaa ja ohimennen tuli kyllä ihailua niitä Tuomaan Markkinoita muutamaan kertaan. Tässä juuri Tuomiokirkosta ulos tullessa Kauneimmat joululaulut -hetken jälkeen // Tukkakin tosiaan lyheni ja värikin muuttui hieman. Lisää kampaajakäynnistä voi lukea tästä postauksesta!
I did have a look at the said market from a further distance when passing by a few times though. Here just when coming out of a Christmas carol singalong // Got my hair clipped and the colour tweaked a bit too. Read more about my hair update in this post!

Vanhempieni kodin espresso-kahvinkeittimen huonot puolet... Kahvia tulee aina Suomessa ollessa juotua aivan liikaa! // Leivoin vasta jouluaattona mun vuoden ensimmäisen ja viimeisen satsin pipareita
The con of my parents having an espresso machine... I always overdo it on coffee when in Finland! // It was only Christmas Eve when I made my first and last gingerbread batch of 2018

Joulua vietettiin ihan vain kotona, niin kuin aina ennenkin. Ohjelmaan kuului perinteisesti jouluruokia, kirkossa käyntiä, saunaa, lahjoja, lautapelejä ja yhdessäoloa.
We spent the Christmas at home, just like we always do. And just like every Christmas, we ate a lot of Christmas food, went to the church, had a Christmas sauna, opened presents, played board games and just spent time together.
We spent the Christmas at home, just like we always do. And just like every Christmas, we ate a lot of Christmas food, went to the church, had a Christmas sauna, opened presents, played board games and just spent time together.

Päätin hypätä joulupäivänä rentouttavaan kylpyyn. Rehellisyyden nimissä on sanottava, että mun mielestä kylvyt on vähän yliarvostettuja eikä ne Lushin kylpytuotteet niistä kovin kummoisempia tee. // Tätä lyhyempää tukkaa on myös tullut suoristettua aiempaa enemmän, ja jotenkin tykkään hurjasti nimenomaan tästä suorasta lookista tämän pituuden kanssa kun taas pidempää tukkaa en tykännyt suoristaa juuri koskaan.
On Christmas Day I decided to hop into a relaxing bath. In all honestly, in my opinion baths are a bit overrated and the Lush bath products don't make them that much more special // I've been really loving straightening this new shorter hair more again, which was something I pretty much never did to my longer hair.

Ihana Stocka ja Stockan jouluvalot // Sain välillä muutaman auttavan tassun tekemään kouluhommia mun kanssa.
Stockmann and it's gorgeous Christmas lights // At times I got a few helping paws to do uni work with me.
Stockmann and it's gorgeous Christmas lights // At times I got a few helping paws to do uni work with me.

Annettiin sisarusten kanssa mummulle joululahjaksi asunnon siivous, ja siellä siivouksen lomassa vastaan tuli myös huikeita kuvalöytöjä. Kuva oikealla taitaa olla mun ihan ensimmäinen päiväkotikuva, ja ikää ehkä suunnilleen 2 vuotta.
Our present to our grandma with my siblings was to go and clean her apartment, and whilst we were at my grandma's doing just that I also came across some old photos. The one on the right is probably my first ever nursery photo, and I'm maybe around 2 years old in it.
Our present to our grandma with my siblings was to go and clean her apartment, and whilst we were at my grandma's doing just that I also came across some old photos. The one on the right is probably my first ever nursery photo, and I'm maybe around 2 years old in it.

Ihana Stocka ja Stockan jouluvalot toisesta suunnasta // Löysin viime kesänä mun ihan ultimate-suosikkijätskin: 3 Kaverin Lakritsi-Kookos! Aivan mielettömän hyvää. Sitä oli siis saatava nyt taas joululomalla, sillä ei väliä onko ulkona lämmin vai kylmä niin jätski kyllä maistuu aina!
Stockmann and it's gorgeous Christmas lights from another direction // Last summer I found my ultimate favourite ice cream: 3 Kaveria Liquorice - Coconut! So freaking good. So of course I just had to have some now on my Christmas holiday too, because no matter if it's warm or cold outside I'm always in the mood for ice cream!
Stockmann and it's gorgeous Christmas lights from another direction // Last summer I found my ultimate favourite ice cream: 3 Kaveria Liquorice - Coconut! So freaking good. So of course I just had to have some now on my Christmas holiday too, because no matter if it's warm or cold outside I'm always in the mood for ice cream!

Lähdettiin myös perheen naisten voimin pienelle Turun päiväretkelle. Kahvia, shoppailua, lounas Cafe Art -kahvilassa ja yksi kotiin unohtunut kameran akku - siinäpä meidän päiväretki pähkinänkuoressa.
We also did a short day trip to Turku with my mum and sister. Coffee, shopping, lunch at Cafe Art and one forgotten camera battery - that's our day trip in a nutshell.
We also did a short day trip to Turku with my mum and sister. Coffee, shopping, lunch at Cafe Art and one forgotten camera battery - that's our day trip in a nutshell.

Noin viikko sitten treffailtiin vielä tyttöjen kanssa kuvailujen ja brunssin merkeissä. Täytyy sanoa että Paulig Kulman Powau-brunssi ei nyt kyllä saa mitään erityisempiä kehuja täältä. Kiva konsepti ja hyvää ruokaa joo, mutta hinta-laatu/määräsuhde ei vakuuttanut. // Muutamat kotijoogatkin tuli loman aikana tehtyä. Cat Meffanin videot on edelleen mun suosikkeja, mutta Yoga with Adriene on myös hyvä!
About a week ago we had one more photoshoot and brunch date together with the girls. Have to say the Powau brunch at Paulig Kulma was a bit of a disappointment. Nice concept and food was good, fair enough, but the amount you get for the money you need to pay didn't quite convince. // I also did a few at home yoga sessions. Cat Meffan videos are still my favourites, but Yoga with Adriene is also great!
About a week ago we had one more photoshoot and brunch date together with the girls. Have to say the Powau brunch at Paulig Kulma was a bit of a disappointment. Nice concept and food was good, fair enough, but the amount you get for the money you need to pay didn't quite convince. // I also did a few at home yoga sessions. Cat Meffan videos are still my favourites, but Yoga with Adriene is also great!

No hei vielä kerran ne Stockan jouluvalot?! :D // Matkalaukkuun piti taas heittää mukaan kaikkia Suomi-lemppareita: Vaasan Ruispaloja ja Taikaruis paahtoleipää, Fazerin salmiakkia, Pandan lakuja ja Goodion suklaata
Stockmann and it's gorgeous Christmas lights one more time! :D // And of course I had to pack some of my favourite Finnish foods to bring to Glasgow with me: rye bread and rye toast from Vaasan, Fazer salty liquorice, normal liquorice from Panda, and Goodio chocolate
Stockmann and it's gorgeous Christmas lights one more time! :D // And of course I had to pack some of my favourite Finnish foods to bring to Glasgow with me: rye bread and rye toast from Vaasan, Fazer salty liquorice, normal liquorice from Panda, and Goodio chocolate

Ehdin onneksi vielä viimeisenä päivänä treffaamaan yhtä parhaista ystävistäni ja otettiin suunnaksi supersöpö ja kotoisa Brooklyn Cafe // Viimeisen illan dinneri: kasvisjauhispakastepitsaa ja valkoviiniä. Sisaruksille muuten pisteet täysin nappiin osuneesta joululahjasta, Iittalan Essence-viinilasit on nimittäin olleet haaveissa jo pitkään.
Luckily we had time to meet up with one of my best friends one more time on my last day, and we headed to the super cute and cosy Brooklyn Cafe // The last supper: frozen vegan pizza and white wine. Have to give a shoutout to my siblings for nailing my Christmas present as these Iittala Essence wine glasses have been on my wishlist for ages.
Luckily we had time to meet up with one of my best friends one more time on my last day, and we headed to the super cute and cosy Brooklyn Cafe // The last supper: frozen vegan pizza and white wine. Have to give a shoutout to my siblings for nailing my Christmas present as these Iittala Essence wine glasses have been on my wishlist for ages.
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All of these photos of your trip to Finland are so lovely Pinja! It looks like you had such a great time. That pizza looks super delicious 😋 xx
ReplyDeleteThank you Laura, so glad to hear you like them! And I sure did have a lovely time, like I do every time I go back 😊And that pizza was so good, loved that they even had dairy free cheese on it! xx