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Photographed by: Maria A.
Dorothy Perkins bag (gifted, find here)
Itse olen aivan hullaantunut kaikenlaisiin eläinkuoseihin juuri nyt, ja oon moneen kertaan todennut että yllättävän hyvin se villiltäkin tuntuva printti istuu myös tällaiseen klassisempaan ja simppelimpään tyyliin. Kokosin alapuolelle omia suosikkejani eläinprinteillä varustettuna, mutta mitenkäs siellä - iskeekö trendi teihin ollenkaan?
Animal prints must be one of the biggest trends of this season. The whole print craze started around last summer with leopard print and after that the trend has just grown and grown. Honestly, right now I can't think of any one brand that wouldn't have animal prints featured in its selection in one way or another. Alongside leopard print, other animal patterns have appeared during the past weeks and months, and for example snakeskin is super super trendy right now. But not only leopard and snakeskin, other prints such as zebra, tiger and giraffe have started to pop up and gain popularity as well. The animal craze is apparent also in accessories, and for example tortoise and mock crock finishes are seen in a lot of jewellery, sunglasses and bags.
Personally I've fallen head over heels for the animal print trend, and the wild trend honestly is surprisingly easy to incorporate to a more classic and simplistic style like mine as well. Below you'll find some of my current animal print favourites, but what about you - are you fan of the trend or choose to pass it?
Favourite Leopards
Favourite Snakeskins
Favourite Tigers
Favourite Tigers
Favourite Zebras
Favourite Giraffes
Favourite Accessories
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You honestly made me fall in love with animal prints! I definitely love the giraffe print, need to buy myself some sort of giraffe print asap! 😍
ReplyDeleteI'm literally loving EVEYRTHING animal printed right now! And I know you would absolutely rock the giraffe print Laura ❤️ xx