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Perinteinen, yksinkertainen ja minimalistinen t-paita on ehdottomasti vaatekaapin peruspilareita, eikä sen käyttömahdollisuuksille ole rajoja. Ihan tuikitavallien t-paita voi kuitenkin välillä näyttää vähän mitäänsanomattomalta, mutta onneksi asusteilla ja muilla stailaustempuilla se kaikkein perinteisinkin t-paita saa vähän lisämielenkiintoa ilmeeseensä. Ja tänä kesänä erityisesti yksi tällainen styling trick on ollut itselläni käytössä melkeinpä aina kun t-paita on ollut osana asukokonaisuutta.
A classic, simple and minimal t-shirt is a wardrobe staple without a doubt, and the opportunities to wear one are endless. However, a plain t-shirt can often look a bit too bland, but luckily accessories and other styling tricks can transform the simplest tee to instantly look a bit more interesting. And this summer I've been especially fond of one certain t-shirt styling trick that I've been using pretty much every single time a simple tee has been part of my outfit.

The super easy and simple trick to style a simple basic t-shirt
Tämä tyylitemppu on niinkin yksikertainen ja helppo kuin t-paidan helman solmiminen pienelle solmulle! Niin helppoa, yksinkertaista ja vaivatonta, mutta tekee ihan mielettömän suuren vaikutuksen ja muutoksen asun kokonaisilmeeseen!The styling trick I'm talking about is simply tying the hem of the t-shirt into a little knot! Super easy, simple and effortless, but makes a huge difference to the overall look of the entire outfit!

H&M t-shirt (men's, here) // &Other Stories skirt (here, on sale for 70% off!) // Converse shoes (here)
Alongside the hem knot, a couple of other basic t-shirt stying tricks I always use is 'the tuck', either completely tucking the hem of the shirt inside the bottom part of the outfit, or just partly from the front in which case the overall look is effortless and casual but still stylised and put-together. And I don't use these styling tricks for t-shirts only, but for all different kinds of shirts and tops. I honestly can't remember the last time I've worn an outfit without doing something for the hem of the top, either the knot, the full tuck or the part/half tuck. It's such a little thing but it really does make you look and feel a lot more stylish and put-together. I highly recommend trying if you haven't already!

Photographed by: Eetu K.
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