A little while ago I asked over on my Instagram, whether you guys would like a listing about my favourite coffee shops and restaurants in Helsinki. And since majority of you said yes, here goes! In this post you'll find 10 Helsinki cafe and restaurant tips!

Nykyään Kämp Gallerian yläkerrasta Kämp Gardenista löytyvä KUUMA oli ollut mun 'kahvilalistalla' jo pitkään, ja nyt kesällä tuli vihdoin yliviivattua se listalta. Inspiroiva miljöö, keskeinen sijainti, ystävällinen palvelu, pehmeät sohvat ja maistuva matcha latte saa pisteet multa.
KUUMA, which is nowadays located in Kämp Garden on the second floor of Kämp Galleria shopping centre had been on my coffee shop list for a long time already, and this summer I was finally able to cross it off. Inspiring aesthetics, central location, friendly staff, soft couches and a yummy matcha latte get all the points from me.

Vaikka yleisesti ottaen suosinkin mielummin pieniä itsenäisiä kahviloita, niin ketjuista Robert’s Coffee on kyllä suosikki. Erityisesti Bulevardin kahvila ja Robert’s Coffee Jugend Pohjoisespalla on suosikkeja Helsingissä, sillä niissä miljöö on jotenkin niin ihana.
Although I prefer going to small independent coffee shops, from the chain ones Robert's Coffee is definitely a favourite. Especially the cafes on Bulevardi and Robert's Coffee Jugend on Pohjoisesplanadi are among my favourites as I love the interiors in those.
Although I prefer going to small independent coffee shops, from the chain ones Robert's Coffee is definitely a favourite. Especially the cafes on Bulevardi and Robert's Coffee Jugend on Pohjoisesplanadi are among my favourites as I love the interiors in those.

Okei, oon ehkä vähän puolueellinen tässä sillä täällä olin töissä itsekin. Joka tapauksessa, Brooklyn Cafe on ihan supersymppis pieni itsenäinen kahvila Punavuoressa ja täältä saa kaupungin parhaat bagelit ja cupcaket! Brooklyn Cafe on myös yksi niistä harvoista kahviloista, joista löytyy maitovaihtoehtoja vähän joka lähtöön: juomat saa täysmaitoon, rasvattomaan maitoon, laktoosittomaan maitoon, soijamaitoon ja kauramaitoon tehtyinä. P.S. Kokeilkaapa ”vegan on cinnamon raisin bagel”, ei se perinteisin makukombo mutta toimii!
Okay, to be perfectly honest with you I'm maybe a little biased with this one because this is where I used to work myself. Anyway, Brooklyn Cafe is such a cute independent coffee shop located in Punavuori, and this is definitely where you can get the best cupcakes and bagels in town! Brooklyn Cafe is also one of the only few ones where all milk requirements are catered to: you can get your drink made to full milk, skinny milk, lactose-free milk, soy milk or oat milk. P.S. try "vegan on cinnamon raisin bagel", not the most traditional flavour combo but so good!
Okay, to be perfectly honest with you I'm maybe a little biased with this one because this is where I used to work myself. Anyway, Brooklyn Cafe is such a cute independent coffee shop located in Punavuori, and this is definitely where you can get the best cupcakes and bagels in town! Brooklyn Cafe is also one of the only few ones where all milk requirements are catered to: you can get your drink made to full milk, skinny milk, lactose-free milk, soy milk or oat milk. P.S. try "vegan on cinnamon raisin bagel", not the most traditional flavour combo but so good!

Fredrikinkadulta ja Töölöntorin laidalta löytyvä Relove yhidstää upean second hand -liikkeen ja kahvilan. Molemmat toimipisteet on sisustettu super kivasti ja inspiroivasti, mutta jos näistä kahdesta pitäisi vielä valita suosikki niin mun ääni menisi Fredan toimipisteelle. Relovesta saa lämpimien ja kylmien juomien lisäksi leipiä, salaatteja, leivoksia, smoothieita ja aamupala-settejä moneen makuun.
Relove has two locations, one on Fredrikinkatu and one at the side of Tölöntori. Both locations are a combination of a stunning second hand shop and a cute cafe. The interiors and milieu in both is lovely and inspiring, but if I had to choose a favourite between the two my vote would go for the one on Fredrikinkatu. Alongside hot and cold drinks, Relove has sandwiches, salads, pastries, smoothies and different breakfast sets for different tastes.
Relove has two locations, one on Fredrikinkatu and one at the side of Tölöntori. Both locations are a combination of a stunning second hand shop and a cute cafe. The interiors and milieu in both is lovely and inspiring, but if I had to choose a favourite between the two my vote would go for the one on Fredrikinkatu. Alongside hot and cold drinks, Relove has sandwiches, salads, pastries, smoothies and different breakfast sets for different tastes.

Tää oli mulle ihan uusi tuttavuus, mutta tosi symppis sellainen! Paljon eri kahvi- ja teevaihtoehtoja, ja Kahvi Charlotta ottaa toiminnassaan myös vastuullisuuden huomioon. Kotoisa ja lämmin tunnelma, ja varmasti Helsingin isoin latte, joka tarjoiltiin pikemminkin kulhosta kuin kupista.
This was a totally new acquaintance for me, but a really sympathetic one! A lot of different coffee and tea options, and Kahvi Charlotta also takes the ethical aspects of business operations into consideration. The atmosphere of the cafe is cosy and warm, and I swear this is where you can get the biggest latte in Helsinki that is more like a bowl than a cup.
This was a totally new acquaintance for me, but a really sympathetic one! A lot of different coffee and tea options, and Kahvi Charlotta also takes the ethical aspects of business operations into consideration. The atmosphere of the cafe is cosy and warm, and I swear this is where you can get the biggest latte in Helsinki that is more like a bowl than a cup.

Varmasti yksi Helsingin suosituimmista ja insta-ystävällisimmistä kahviloista/ravintoloista, ja ansainnut kyllä ehdottomasti paikkansa munkin listalla! Fredan torilla sijaitseva Green Hippo Cafe on viihtyisä, henkilökunta nuorta ja ystävällistä porukkaa ja listalta löytyy ruokia ja juomia eri ruokavalioille. Hippon avokadopasta on saavuttanut jo melkeinpä kulttimaineen, mutta uskokaa tai älkää itse söin sen ensimmäisen kerran vasta ihan pari viikkoa sitten. Mutta en kyllä joutunut pettymään! Green Hippo Cafe on muuten hiljattain saanut myös A-oikeudet ja on auki illalla myöhempään, eli tänne voi sopia myös dinneri-treffit. Annokset on myös reilun kokoisia ja erittäin kohtuuhintaisia moniin muihin paikkoihin verrattuna. Plussaa myös aivan törkeän hyvästä soittolistasta täynnä kaikkia vanhoja rock ja pop klassikoita, joka soi ainakin ilta-aikaan.
Without a doubt one of the most popular and insta-friendly cafes/restaurants in Helsinki, and definitely deserves a spot on my list too! Located in Punavuori, Green Hippo Cafe has a cosy vibe, the staff is young and friendly, and the menu has dishes and drinks for different dietary requirements. The Green Hippo avocado pasta has reached a pretty much cult reputation, but believe it or not I only had it for the first time a couple of weeks ago. But it definitely didn't disappoint! Green Hippo Cafe has also recently become licensed and is open later in the evening, so you can head there for a dinner date too. The portion sizes are generous but the prices are very reasonable. And a big plus also on the absolutely killer of a playlist full of old rock and pop classics that is played at least during the evening hours.
Without a doubt one of the most popular and insta-friendly cafes/restaurants in Helsinki, and definitely deserves a spot on my list too! Located in Punavuori, Green Hippo Cafe has a cosy vibe, the staff is young and friendly, and the menu has dishes and drinks for different dietary requirements. The Green Hippo avocado pasta has reached a pretty much cult reputation, but believe it or not I only had it for the first time a couple of weeks ago. But it definitely didn't disappoint! Green Hippo Cafe has also recently become licensed and is open later in the evening, so you can head there for a dinner date too. The portion sizes are generous but the prices are very reasonable. And a big plus also on the absolutely killer of a playlist full of old rock and pop classics that is played at least during the evening hours.

Jälleen kerran yksi Fredrikinkadun helmistä. Andante on mielettömän symppis ja viihtyisä pieni kahvila, jonka menu ei ole sieltä pisimmästä päästä mutta täällä sitä ei toisaalta kaipaakaan. Kahvien ja teejuomien lisäksi ruokapuolelta löytyy pientä suolaista ja makeaa syötävää. Tämä Andanten kaura-matcha oli ehkä parhain ja pehmein koskaan juomani!
Yet another gem you can find on Fredrikinkatu. Andante is a super cute and lovely little coffee shop that doesn't have a huge menu but then again it doesn't really need that. Alongside the coffee and tea drinks you can have small sweet and savoury bites to eat. Oh, and this oat matcha latte I had in Andante was probably the best and smoothest I've ever had!
Yet another gem you can find on Fredrikinkatu. Andante is a super cute and lovely little coffee shop that doesn't have a huge menu but then again it doesn't really need that. Alongside the coffee and tea drinks you can have small sweet and savoury bites to eat. Oh, and this oat matcha latte I had in Andante was probably the best and smoothest I've ever had!

Courtyard, Annankatu 29 B
Täysin vegaaninen ravintola, jonne tosin on vaikea eksyä sattumalta sillä OmNam sijaitsee rakennusten sisäpihalla. Hyviä lounasvaihtohetoja ja myös kattava a la carte -lista, josta löytyy niin pizzaa, bowleja kuin burgereitakin. Ei jotenkin ehkä se kaikkein viihtyisin paikka mitä tulee miljööseen ja ravintolan ulkonäköön, mutta pisteet hyvästä ja ravitsevasta ruuasta ja todella mukavasta ja ystävällisestä henkilökunnasta.
A fully vegan restaurant, that is difficult to stumble upon randomly as OmNam is located on an inner court between buildings. They've got good lunch options and also a relatively long a la carte menu, where you'll find dishes ranging from pizzas to bowls to burgers. Have to say it's maybe not the most aesthetically pleasing restaurant, but gets points for delicious and nourishing food, and a super friendly and nice staff.
A fully vegan restaurant, that is difficult to stumble upon randomly as OmNam is located on an inner court between buildings. They've got good lunch options and also a relatively long a la carte menu, where you'll find dishes ranging from pizzas to bowls to burgers. Have to say it's maybe not the most aesthetically pleasing restaurant, but gets points for delicious and nourishing food, and a super friendly and nice staff.

Ullanlinnasta Korkeavuorenkadulta sekä keskustasta Kalevankadulta löytyvä Sis. Deli Cafe keskittyy maistuvaan ja terveelliseen ruokaan ja kahveihin, joita voi nauttia joko paikan päällä tai napata helposti ja nopeasti mukaan. Tuotteissa on huomioitu erikoisruokavaliot hyvin, ja Kalevankadun kahvilassa tarjoillaan myös aamiainen noutopöydästä.
Located in Ullanlinna on Korkeavuorenkatu and in the city centre on Kalevankatu, Sis. Deli Cafe focuses on tasty and healthy food and coffees, that you can either enjoy sitting in or grab quickly with you. They cater to special dietary requirements well, and on the Kalevankatu shop they've also got a breakfast buffet in the mornings.

Iso Roobertinkatu 1
Yes Yes Yes oli yksi ehkä pisimpään listallani ollut paikka Helsingissä, ja nyt vihdoin pääsin itsekin käymään tässä super söpössä kasvisruoka-/vegaaniravintolassa! Yes Yes Yes ansaitsee ehdottomasti sen kaupungin kaikkein söpöimmän ja instattavimman ravintolan tittelin, eikä listalta tosiaan löydy lihaa, kanaa tai kalaa ollenkaan vaan kaikki annokset ovat vähintään kasvisruokaa, monet myös vegaanisia tai vegaanisiksi muokattavia. Kannattaa pitää mielessä, että Yes Yes Yes aukeaa arkisin vasta klo16 eli arkipäivän lounastreffit ei täällä onnistu. Täytyy sanoa, että paikan insta-ystävällinen miljöö ja sisustus on leivottu sisään hintoihin, eikä Yes Yes Yes ole sieltä Helsingin edullisimpien ravintoloiden päästä. Ruoka on kuitenkin hyvää ja menu vaihtelee kausittain, eli myös satokauden tuotteet ja raaka-aineiden tuoreus on huomioitu. Omalle lautaselleni valitsin uunipaahdetun bataatin mustan tahinin ja maapähkinä-kirsikka-aiolin kera, ja oli muuten hyvää!
Yes Yes Yes was one of the places that was on my list for the longest, but now I finally had a chance to go in this super cute vegetarian/vegan restaurant! Yes Yes Yes is definitely the most instagrammable restaurant in Helsinki, and as it is vegetarian/vegan you don't find meat, chicken or fish on the menu. All of the dishes are at least vegetarian, most also vegan or can be made vegan. Do remember though, that it only opens at 4pm on weekdays, so it's not a spot for a lunch date. Also something to mention is that the instagram-friendliness is built in the prices, and Yes Yes Yes is not from the most affordable end of spectrum when it comes to food in Helsinki. However, the food is delicious and the menu changes seasonally, so therefore the freshness of the ingredients and using what's in season is being taken into account. I went for the oven baked sweet potato with black tahini and peanut-cherry aioli, and it sure was yummy!
Yes Yes Yes was one of the places that was on my list for the longest, but now I finally had a chance to go in this super cute vegetarian/vegan restaurant! Yes Yes Yes is definitely the most instagrammable restaurant in Helsinki, and as it is vegetarian/vegan you don't find meat, chicken or fish on the menu. All of the dishes are at least vegetarian, most also vegan or can be made vegan. Do remember though, that it only opens at 4pm on weekdays, so it's not a spot for a lunch date. Also something to mention is that the instagram-friendliness is built in the prices, and Yes Yes Yes is not from the most affordable end of spectrum when it comes to food in Helsinki. However, the food is delicious and the menu changes seasonally, so therefore the freshness of the ingredients and using what's in season is being taken into account. I went for the oven baked sweet potato with black tahini and peanut-cherry aioli, and it sure was yummy!
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